
目前分類:生活美語 (34)

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Good morning. 早安     

Good afternoon. 午安     

Good evening. 晚安

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Come here. 來這裡    

 Put it away. 收起來    

 Put your bowl in your bag. 將碗放進袋子裡

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Now you can play.  現在你可以玩了   

Time to clean up.  收玩具了

Everybody, help clean up.  每個人請幫忙收拾

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Flush the toilet.  沖馬桶

Go wipe your nose.  擦鼻子

Go wipe your mouth.  擦嘴巴

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It’s story time.  說故事時間

Look at the picture.  看這張圖片

This is a funny story.  這是一個好笑的故事

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Hand in your homework. 交作業     Open your book. 打開書     Turn around.

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Fold your sleeping bag.  將睡袋摺好

Roll up your sleeping bag.  將睡袋捲好

     Put away your sleeping bag and pillow.  將睡袋和枕頭放回

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Wash your hands. 洗手     Use some soap. 使用肥皂     Dry your hands. 把手擦乾

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Lie down, Please. 請躺下   Time to wake up. 起來   Open your eyes. 張開眼睛

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Go wash your bowl. 清洗你的碗  

Clean your table. 清理桌子  

Pick up the garbage. 把垃圾檢起來

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Take off your jacket.  脫掉你的夾克

Fold your jacket.  摺好你的夾克

     Take care.  保重

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It’s yummy.  好吃               

Do you want some more?  你還要多一些嗎?

I’m finished.  我完成了

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Clean your table.  清潔桌子

Put on the slippers.  穿上室內鞋

Take off your shoes, please.  請脫鞋

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Line Up.  排隊

Take turns, please.  請輪流

Don't push! 不要推!

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